About Bud the Spud

"Bud the Spud" is a potato and unlike other potatos Bud is perfectly happy to remain a potato, he has no intention of becomming "Mashed Potato, French Fries, potato Chips" or anything else that takes away from his being just a plain ordinary potato.

one day Bud discovers that the "Rotten Potato" is selling off his fellow potato people to the fast food conglomorates in a mass genocide of his own people. Now this is enough to piss off any self respecting potato. And so begins Bud's adventure to find and stop the "Rotten Potato" from this dastardy most dispicable act of genocide. Bud will have no easy task as he will have many obstacles along the way, deadly toxic mud bogs to cross, attacking Worms, Potato Beetles, rogue toy Robots, food processing machines, Hibachi BB Q's and so much more.

Thus begins the concept for my indie game development project "Bud the Spud"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feedback from Deviant Art

I was checking out my "Deviant Art" this morning and got some feedback on my game from another DA member and figured I'd share it here as it's here that it would do the most good I feel.

~RealTimeBrush2 hours ago
An interesting little game but I believe there are some problems with it in my opinion.

1) The controls are difficult to use, the independent camera rotation and movement takes quite some getting used to, I 'suspect' with its casual nature and delivery people may not give it the time to get used to the controls.
2) The way the character circles when reversing makes it impossible to backup if you get too close to the edge of a rock or platform. I found alignment with the jump target difficult with the degree of turn too.
3) Even in this demo the lack of a save or check point is quite frustrating. In the puddle again back to the start.
I agree with a lot of what the poster has said and I do sort of have plans to change a lot of these issues as the game develops. That having been said, while testing out the game I've gotten quite used to the way the controls work and myself using the keyboard controls which in my opinion are no match for a good control pad with dual controls for both player and camera. I've had no problem learning how the character works and have adapted just like any player would to any game situation or play type scenario. I've played plenty of games that I hated the way the controls worked. For instance the original Mario on regular Nintendo I just hated that the character did no stop on a dine, that he would kind of keep moving after he landed. I eventually got used to it but at first I just hated it. I really loved the Super Nintendo versions of Mario that cam out much later. And even though I've only played it once the 3D Mario I loved. It's the 3D Mario that my game is basically based off of BTW ;) At least as far as character control and independent camera controls go. And yes it does take a bit of getting used to. But that can be said for so many games yes? I personally think it just adds to the challenge of the game. I find that when I'm just testing it out I can't help but keep playing even if I dye in a puddle it's like "Oh Drat!! I gotta do that again!!" And off I go to try for that key again.... "What am I doing?!?" I keep saying to myself... I only wanted to test out my new Bug Splat effect near that far Hibachi BBQ! Doh... But yeah, what happens in most games, you die because you mucked up, you start over right? At least in most of the games I've played. But he is certainly right about a save point about half way up the level... I can do level 01 usually with no problems but an auto save point of some kind about half way up would be pretty handy I would imagine... and who knows... maybe I'll make one, maybe not??

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