About Bud the Spud

"Bud the Spud" is a potato and unlike other potatos Bud is perfectly happy to remain a potato, he has no intention of becomming "Mashed Potato, French Fries, potato Chips" or anything else that takes away from his being just a plain ordinary potato.

one day Bud discovers that the "Rotten Potato" is selling off his fellow potato people to the fast food conglomorates in a mass genocide of his own people. Now this is enough to piss off any self respecting potato. And so begins Bud's adventure to find and stop the "Rotten Potato" from this dastardy most dispicable act of genocide. Bud will have no easy task as he will have many obstacles along the way, deadly toxic mud bogs to cross, attacking Worms, Potato Beetles, rogue toy Robots, food processing machines, Hibachi BB Q's and so much more.

Thus begins the concept for my indie game development project "Bud the Spud"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Level 02 Mud Bogs

I've added a couple of deadly mud bogs to level 02 and worked out the positioning and scenario for getting the first key, it's located on the big rock in the middle of the mud bog on the right. This is another tricky jump. The first three stones are pretty easy but getting onto the toadstool is a tricky jump. Once you have the key getting back is much easier, you just have to jump onto the toadstool and the stones just right and you are home free.

The other mud bog right now just serves the purpose of confining the player the the game environment, although I could place something in the middle of that bog too, maybe an Extra Life Heart perhaps?

I also worked out the scenario for using the Soccer ball to get onto the thirst brick topped wall. Bud will have to push the ball over to the wall and then jump onto the Soccer ball and leap onto the top of the wall. Pretty easy but it might take some players a little time to figure that out, which is a good thing ;)

In the underground level I was using the "Fire Flies" to give players clues as to where to go or hints that something interesting was close by, but above ground in the day light fire flies would be out of place, so I'm trying to thing of something similar, maybe butterflies perhaps??

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